发布日期:2024-10-23 11:04 点击次数:165
《福布斯》杂志近日发布了2017寰宇高薪演员名次榜,《变形金刚》男主马克•沃尔伯格以6800万好意思元年薪高居男演员收入榜榜首,而石头姐艾玛•斯通以2600万好意思元登顶女演员收入名次榜文爱 社区,不外与男星的高片酬比较,这一数字以致挤不进男演员榜单前十。成龙是独一参预该榜单前十名的中国演员。
Emma Stone has topped the Forbes list ranking the highest-paid actresses of the year. 石头姐艾玛•斯通登顶福布斯2017寰宇女演员收入名次榜。
Actress Emma Stone arrives at the 2017 American Film Institute Life Achievement Award in Los Angeles reuters
The reigning Best Actress Oscar champ, who took home the trophy for La La Land in February, has dethroned Jennifer Lawrence who had topped the list for two years running. 本年2月,她凭借《爱乐之城》得到奥斯卡奖,手脚本届奥斯卡最好女主角奖得主,石头姐取代了不竭两年占据榜首的詹妮弗•劳伦斯。
Stone banked a total of $26 million before tax over the 12-month scoring period held by Forbes. 把柄《福布斯》的筹划周期,在当年12个月里,石头姐的税前总收入为2600万好意思元(约合东谈主民币1.73亿元)。
Jennifer Aniston is in second place with total earnings of $25.5m while Lawrence comes in at number three with $24m (she topped the list last year with $46m). 詹妮弗•安妮斯顿凭借2550万好意思元(约合东谈主民币1.7亿元)的总收入位列第二,而大表姐詹妮弗•劳伦斯则以2400万好意思元(约合东谈主民币1.6亿元)的收入位居第三(昨年她凭借4600万好意思元的收入登顶)。
According to Forbes, the majority of Stone's takings was generated from Damien Chazelle's musical La La Land which had global box office takings of over $445m. 据《福布斯》称,石头姐主要的收入来自达米安•沙泽勒的音乐电影《爱乐之城》,该片寰宇票房杰出4.45亿好意思元(约合东谈主民币29.6亿元)。
Aniston's haul is due to her endorsements deals with Emirates Airlines, Smartwater and Aveeno as well as her role in upcoming film The Yellow Birds. 安妮斯顿的收入来自阿联酋航空、SmartWater矿泉水和阿维诺的代言,以及行将上映的电影《黄鸟》中的扮装。
Actress Jennifer Aniston arrives at the 21st Annual Critics' Choice Awards in Santa Monica reuters
Lawrence's comes from her Dior deal and her role in Darren Aronofsky's forthcoming psychological horror Mother! 大表姐的收入来自迪奥的代言,以及参演达伦•阿伦诺夫斯基行将上映的格局恐怖电影《母亲!》。
Actor Jennifer Lawrence arrives at a screening of X-Men Apocalypse at a cinema in London reuters
Rounding out the top five are Melissa McCarthy ($18m) and Mila Kunis ($15.5m) with Beauty and the Beast star Emma Watson the top ten's sole newcomer with $14m. 榜单前五名还包括梅丽莎•麦卡西(1800万好意思元)和米拉•库尼斯(1550万好意思元)。《好意思女与野兽》主演艾玛•沃森凭借1400万好意思元(约合东谈主民币9300万元)的收入成为榜单前十名中独一的新样子。
Actress Emma Watson arrives at the Met Gala in New York reuters
1. Emma Stone - $26m 第又名:艾玛•斯通——2600万好意思元
2. Jennifer Aniston - $25.5m 第二名:詹妮弗•安妮斯顿——2550万好意思元
3. Jennifer Lawrence- $24m 第三名:詹妮弗•劳伦斯——2400万好意思元
4. Melissa McCarthy - $18m 第四名:梅丽莎•麦卡西——1800万好意思元
5. Mila Kunis - $15.5m 第五名:米拉•库尼斯——1550万好意思元
6=. Emma Watson - $14m 第六名(比肩):艾玛•沃森——1400万好意思元
6=. Charlize Theron - $14m 第六名(比肩):查理兹•塞隆——1400万好意思元
8=. Cate Blanchett - $12m 第八名(比肩):凯特•布兰切特——1200万好意思元
av电影网8=. Julia Roberts - $12m 第八名(比肩):朱莉娅•罗伯茨——1200万好意思元
10. Amy Adams - $10.5m 第十名:艾米•亚当斯——1050万好意思元
Transformers star Mark Wahlberg tops the male list with $68m. 《变形金刚》主演马克•沃尔伯格以6800万好意思元(约合东谈主民币4.53亿元)的收入位列寰宇男演员收入名次榜第又名。
Mark Wahlberg arrives for world premiere of Transfomers, The Last Night, at a cinema in central London reuters
The world's 10 best-paid actors earned a total of $488.5m in the past year, Forbes magazine calculated. 《福布斯》杂志统计,jiejiese排在榜单前十名的男演员昨年的总收入为4.885亿好意思元(约合东谈主民币32.5亿元)。
That's almost three times more than their female counterparts, who took home $172.5m between them. 这一数字简直是对应女演员收入的3倍,女演员名次榜前十名的收入总额为1.725亿好意思元(约合东谈主民币11.5亿元)。
Another 13 men earned more than Stone between June 2016 and June 2017, according to Forbes - including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Jackie Chan and her La La Land co-star Ryan Gosling. 据《福布斯》称,在2016年6月至2017年6月间,还有13位男演员的收入高于石头姐,其中包括巨石强森、成龙以及《爱乐之城》的另一位主演瑞恩•高斯林。
Actor Jackie Chan poses with his Honorary Award at the 8th Annual Governors Awards in Los Angeles reuters
1. Mark Wahlberg - $68m 第又名:马克•沃尔伯格——6800万好意思元
2. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson - $65m 第二名:巨石强森——6500万好意思元
3. Vin Diesel - $54.5m 第三名:范•迪塞尔——5450万好意思元
4. Adam Sandler - $50.5m 第四名:亚当•桑德勒——5050万好意思元
5. Jackie Chan - $49m 第五名:成龙——4900万好意思元
6. Robert Downey Jr - $48m 第六名:小罗伯特•唐尼——4800万好意思元
7. Tom Cruise - $43m 第七名:汤姆•克鲁斯——4300万好意思元
8. Shah Rukh Khan - $38m 第八名:沙•茹克•罕——3800万好意思元
9. Salman Khan - $37m 第九名:萨尔曼•汗——3700万好意思元
10. Akshay Kumar - $35.5m 第十名:阿克谢•库玛尔——3550万好意思元
Stone recently waded in on Hollywood's gender wage gap issue stating that her male co-stars have previously taken pay cuts in a bid to ensure equality. 石头姐近日膺惩了好莱坞男女薪酬互异问题,她示意为了保证对等,此前和她搭档的男演员曾降薪。
She said: “If my male co-star, who has a higher quote than me but believes we are equal, takes a pay cut so that I can match him, that changes my quote in the future and changes my life.” 她说:“淌若和我搭档的男演员片报答价比我高,然而他觉得咱们是对等,并为了和我平起平坐而降薪,那么我将来的片酬和东谈主生将因此改动。”
Forbes writer Natalie Robehmed said the pay disparity was down to the types of roles on offer. 《福布斯》作者娜塔莉•罗贝麦德称,男女明星薪酬互异的主要原因是扮装类型不同。
She wrote: "In release schedules dominated by superhero movies and brawny blockbusters, there are simply fewer parts for women that pay the sizeable backend profits that result in leading men's large paydays, or the franchise sequels that permit aggressive negotiation for favorable deals." 她写谈:“超等硬人电影和大制作买卖电影在上映影片中占据主导地位,女演员能带来高票房收入的契机更少,因而男演员收入较高,大略不错在系列续集作品中强势地争取有益的片酬。”
英文起首:零丁报、BBC 翻译&裁剪:董静 审校:丹妮文爱 社区
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